このたび,公共交通の研究で著名なChan Wirasinghe教授(カルガリー大学)を東京にお招きし, 特別講演会を開催することになりましたので,ご案内いたします. 本講演会は土木計画学研究委員会の国際セミナーとして位置づけられております. ----------------------------------------------- 講師:Prof. Chan Wirashinghe (the University of Calgary) 題目:Mathematical Modeling of Public Transport Systems; Some Insights, Extensions & Issues Related to Newell's Approach (講演は英語にて行います.) 概要 The late Professor Gordon Newell of the ITS (formerly ITE) of the University of California at Berkeley was a physicist and mathematician whose appointment was as a Professor of Civil Engineering. He spent a lifetime analyzing transportation systems and bringing a rigorous scientific approach to the young discipline of transportation engineering. He is well known for his contributions to traffic flow theory, transport networks and traffic signal systems. In this presentation, we highlight his considerable contributions to public transit. His publications in the areas of control of buses, location of transit facilities, scheduling (dispatching policies), transit networks, elevators systems and queuing theory are analyzed. For each group, we summarize his contributions, highlight the unique insights that he obtained, mention some limitations, indicate the research that he spawned by seminal papers and mention related work by those students at Berkeley who were significantly influenced by Professor Newell. The Newell approach to research, as interpreted by the authors, is described. 日時:2009年4月24日(金)16:30-18:00 場所:東京大学生産技術研究所(駒場IIキャンパス)As棟3階301,302号室(As301,302) http://www.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/access/access.html http://www.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/access/campusmap.html 参加費:無料 問い合わせ先:洪 性俊 mrhong@iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp ----------------------------------------------- 参加申請は特に必要ございませんが,人数把握のために事前にご連絡いただければ助かります. 皆様のご参加を心よりお待ちしております.